Tagged: autogrowth setting
We get error 1101 because of space issues. Database engine doesn’t able to allocate new pages to the database because of insufficient disk space. The error details are given below: Error: 1101, Severity: 17, State: 2 Could not allocate a...
Whenever you extend the size of your data or log file with a larger value or your database perform autogrow operation to extend its database files with bigger value then SQL Server takes longer time to perform such activities. SQL...
I was getting wait type PREEMPTIVE_OS_WRITEFILEGATHER during database size allocation. Yesterday, I was configuring database size to the value that was suggested by the vendor. We need to set database size to 700GB keeping 150 GB to log files. I...
I am working on a project where we are migrating Oracle databases to SQL Server for SAP applications. We are using SAP migration tools to migrate these databases and we are not using SSMA for Oracle in this migration. These...
We use SQL Server database Autogrowth setting to automate database file growth. This property is very helpful if you use it carefully with proper planning. But there can be a negative performance impact on your database if you don’t give attention...